en-Di Interesse

Questions and suggestions

02/09/2014 16:35
Would you like to know more about Manual Lymphatic Drainage? Don’t hesitate to contact us. Your suggestions and comments will provide us with very welcome contributions and will allow us to offer you better services. This is why your opinion is so valuable. Write...

Welcome to our new website

02/09/2014 16:34
Our pages are work in progress. We will be grateful and glad to receive your feedback and suggestions as well as the comments you are posting to the Feelings page.  


MandorleDolci per Roma Altruista

12/03/2015 11:32
Per tutto il mese di marzo 2015, i trattamenti di linfodrenaggio prenotati tramite il sito useit.it, serviranno a contribuire alla causa dell'associazione per il volontariato "Roma Altruista". Se vuoi concederti un trattamento, con effetti benefici ancora maggiori, puoi farlo da...

MandorleDolci is now on Facebook too!

18/09/2014 18:54
We are glad to announce that MandorleDolci is now a Facebook page and is ready to welcome friends, comments, photos, articles and, with time, who knows what else?   You can log in from:  MandorleDolci  


This is a simple list of questions. It is meant to improve the quality of treatments. If you have tried our services and feel like giving your feedback, answer the following questions and then click “send feedback”. 

It takes just a couple of minutes!